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in Technical by
Hi support team plz i want to know why when press on show previous messages in android client nothing happens the old messeges does not load, thank you.


1 Answer

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by (10.1k points)
Can you please make sure that your server has all data history. We have verified & able to view all previous chat history.

Hope this helps you.
yes the server log is from 19th of this month but I can only see 3 days back from today, on the web client I can see all the log but not on android client.

thank you.
by (10.1k points)
Can you contact support@srimax.com with some more details like whether you get any alert message when press on show previous messages?
no I don't get any alert messages
by (10.1k points)
I see! Please contact support@srimax.com to discuss more.
ok I will , thank you.
by (10.1k points)
Thank you, Bassam.
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