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in Mobile by
When my iPhone 6 goes to standby, the mobile app seems to disconnect from the server (perhaps it times out after a certain period?). Is there some way to change this behavior? I'd like to be able to use this when out of the office, but if I don't get an immediate response from the other person before it times out, I never see the messages.

1 Answer

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by (1.7k points)
By default iPhone will disconnect idle application from server to save battery. But we will have push notifications in such period. You will be informed when you receive new message.

But also right now in output messenger, we are doing that only when you are offline in other devices too. Suppose if you have left login in Output Messenger Desktop client, the message will be delivered only to desktop & no push notification will be sent to your mobile. If all other clients are disconnected, then Output Messenger server will send push notification to your mobile device.

We are working right now to send mobile notifications for idle, Stepped Out & lunch status too.Hope in 2 weeks time, we will release the updated version.

For now, you can make sure to exit the desktop client while you are moving out of the office.
by (100 points)
We are now evaluating OutPut Messenger. I see that my IPhone app keeps going offline everytime I close the application and I don't see any notification. I am using the latest server version and latest Mobile application version: 1.0.18. This is very important to us and we need to see this is working.
by (10.1k points)
Sorry, there is a problem in sending notification for iOS 10. We are working towards to resolve the issue and will submit the next Mobile application version along with that fix to iTunes App Store on Monday.

Hence, the latest Mobile app version might be available to you at the mid of next week after approved by App Store.

Thanks for your patience.
by (100 points)
We have lastest server and IOS software version (1.0.19) and still not able to receive notifications.  Even with desktop client closed.

I Only get bubble notification after open the App.
by (10.1k points)
Unfortunately, we found minor issues with the Beta Testing of iOS Push Notification. We are working towards to resolve them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We will provide you the fix with our next Server version to be released at the mid of next week.

Thanks again for your patience.
by (10.1k points)
We have released our Output Messenger latest Server version # 1.4.0 Please download it from the following link and update then try the iOS Push Notification.


Thanks again for your patience.
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