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in Technical by (330 points)
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Can you create the option for server admins to disable the feature /s :: Off-the-Record message ON/OFF for those of us using this in a corporate environment.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (10.1k points)

Yes. We have the option in Server Manager to turn ON / Off  the ‘Off-the-Record’ messaging. You can access it  through ‘Configuration > Client Settings > Enable Off- the-Record Messaging’.

We have added the following screenshot for your reference. Hope this helps you.

Output Messenger Server Settings


by (330 points)
Ok. Then this needs to be changed to a technical ticket. We have it turned off and have restarted the server, but we can still send messages off the record.
by (10.1k points)
Sorry, we haven’t been able to replicate the issue. It works fine. Please ensure that your Messenger Client has connected with the Server Manager once you 'Save & Restart' the Server. Hope this helps you.
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