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in Technical by (760 points)
Can you have a chat room that keeps the entire chat forever?  Can you purge chat room messages, either selectively or en-masse?

1 Answer

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by (10.1k points)
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Best answer

In Server, Chat Room messages are stored in files partitioned by month.

In Client, it will be stored with other messages. In Client we don’t have an option to delete exclusively the Chat Room messages.

You can delete with all messages (Chat Room, Announcements and Group Chat) through the Client option ‘View Log > Clear History’ (refer the following screenshot).

by (760 points)
If the client clears their messages, does that clear them off the server too?
by (10.1k points)
In our Output Messenger, when users delete the Chat messages, it will be deleted from the Client only not from the Server. Hence, you can see the deleted messages also through ‘Server Manager > Log > Chat History’ for each user.

Note: Make sure “Chat History Log Storage” is enabled in “Server Manager > Configuration”.

You can also refer the following page for more details.

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