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in Technical by (760 points)
We had an admin tool on Outlook Messenger.  Is there one available in Output Messenger?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (10.1k points)

Sorry, Output Messenger doesn’t have a separate Admin Tool but instead of it you can use ‘Output Messenger - Server Manager’.

And the Output Messenger Browser Version has a separate Manager (Admin) where you can control Users, Groups and Chat Rooms.

by (760 points)
There is nothing extra on the browser version than what is already available on the server itself.  Would you consider implementing a way to allow us the ability to remotely configure and lock any user settings we deem worth doing so to please?
by (10.1k points)
Output Messenger lets you to control the essential settings through centralized client settings accessible via ‘Server Manager > Configuration > Client Settings’.

And permits the Client users to control the UI Settings only. Hence, we don’t like to add options to lock such client user settings.
by (760 points)
Would it be difficult to give us the option of controlling more client settings and locking them out?  As a business, we want our client software to be consistent for everyone.  Could you add this as a feature request please?
by (10.1k points)
Yes, it is difficult for us to add such locking options, at right now. Sorry about it.

Anyhow, we will try to implement it in future.
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