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in Technical by (160 points)

We've been slowly migrating from Outlook Messenger to Output Messenger and have run into an issue when a user under one domain has the same username as another user under a different domain. We are a fairly large organization (~10 domains, ~500 users) We didn't have issues with Outlook since it seemed to go off the username@PCName. Is there any way to tell Output which domain to pull the user from?

For example, we have two people that both have their username set to user1. One is under DomainA and the other under DomainB.

  • We've tried putting the domain into the username field; DomainB\user1 but it will pull the information for DomainA\user1. Tried the FQDN, IP and the actual server name in the username field as well.
  • I tried manually modifying the user on the Output admin webpage (changed their name and e-mail address) which seemed to work somewhat, but when they join a chat room, they then showed up as two users, DomainA\user1 and DomainB\user1.

Is there anyway to specify which LDAP we want to pull from the username from, or can Output not handle users with the same username even if they're under different domains? We ended up changing one of the usernames which seemed to resolve the issue. While this isn't ideal since we'd have to go through and update so many users, is making sure there aren't duplicate usernames across domains the only way to resolve this?

1 Answer

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by (10.1k points)

FYI: Outlook Messenger and Output Messenger allows the Users with unique user names only.

Are you using multiple servers through Outlook Messenger Server Pro? If yes, you have to update the same user names as unique one. Otherwise, you can import the users through Active Directory Integration.

Note: For multiple LDAP servers, use comma separated list of host in LDAP Hostname. (Ex. server1.company.com, server2.company.com) in Server Manager Configuration.

For more details refer the following page.


If you still experience issues, please provide us the Exported Users list and the screenshot of Import Users - Users Selection screen through support@srimax.com. We will check and help you.


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