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in Feature requests by
Ok so I am looking through all the features and all of them seem very good for our goal, but I do have one question regarding the use of OTR messages.


For security reasons we would like to know if all accounts by default can OTR message, and if so is it possible to set it to where only admins/special roles are able to do so. We don't want clients to be sending OTR messages if they shouldn't be

1 Answer

0 votes
by (10.1k points)


Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) feature is applicable only for Administrator / Manager Users. Manager Role for a User can be assigned through Server Manager.

And that OTR feature can be Enabled/Disabled through the option ‘Enable Off -the-Record Messaging’ exists at ‘Server Manager > Client Settings’. You can refer the following screenshot.


Also you can have a visit on the following page to know more about OTR messaging option.


Hope this helps you.

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