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I have a few users who use the OS X version and unfortunately they are having some issues that make using the software a chore and causing issues with communication. The server and all clients are on the latest version of the software. 


  • When we open a new message we are unable to type into the chat box. The program has to be restarted in order to use (in fact if we leave the program idle for even an half an hour it has to be restarted in order to use).
  • We’ll have to restart the program in order to close a chat window, clicking on the X does nothing.

These last 3 seem like they would indicate there is an issue with the server, but these issues below are only affecting 5 OS X users while 90+ Windows users have never had these problems. 

  • The program will time out for seemingly no reason.
  • The chat will be open but show me as offline to other users.
  • Sometimes we’re unable to login and receive a message mentioning something about an “invalid server” 


If there is any data I can gather for you from the systems please let me know. 



1 Answer

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by (10.1k points)

Kindly download the latest Output Messenger Client Version V1.1.18 for MAC from following page and update to get fixes for your problems.


Steps to Update Client:

Run the installer in Client.

Thanks for your patience.

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