Output Messenger lets to use your Keyboard Hotkeys for quick instant messaging and increases your efficiency.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. /a → alert on status change of the user
  2. /ack {message} → send acknowledgement message
  3. /b → send buzz
  4. /c {user name} [{message}] → open chat with the specified user
  5. /h → this help message
  6. /i {username} → invite user for group chat
  7. /l [{search text}] → open log window
  8. /n → toggle notification ON/OFF for this chat. Will be notified if message contains your name
  9. /p {message} → set the personal status message
  10. /q → quit & close the chat
  11. /remind {user name} [{message}] → remind [me|all|@user] [message] [at|on|in] [time]
  12. /s → Off-the-Record message ON/OFF
  13. /x {message} → send sealed message

For more details:
